さまざまな育成のためのプログラムがありますが、その中で、社内外の若手メンバーを集め、一緒に研究、発表するグローバル人材育成、そして会社間交流のためのプログラム「CiFT Japan」というものがあり、昨年開始したばかりなのですが、大変好評なので、ご紹介します。
今年は、昨年の参加社である日産自動車、ジヤトコ、ボッシュに加え、新しく日本GEも参加し、合計27名の、国際的な若手社員が参加しました。7月15日に行われたキックオフを経て、8 月26日-28日にワークショップおよび発表会を行いました。
今年のトピックはジェンダーダイバーシティマネジメント。キックオフでは、NPO法人ファザーリングジャパンから講師を招き、参加者は 日本のジェンダーダイバーシティの現状と未来について共通の知識を得ました。
そして、会社、国籍、性別、年齢の違う多様な参加者は5 グループに分けられ、各チームはダイバーシティに関するミッションを受け取り、1ヶ月後のワークショップに向けてリサーチを開始しました。
ワークショップ初日からの2 日間、チームは限られた時間の中で建設的な解決策を考えました。
ワークショップ3 日目には、参加各社のマネージメントより、自身の体験談を含めたメッセージが送られ、そして午後には 各チームが20分間でクリエイティブなアイディアを発表し、質疑応答を含めた審査が行われました。
参加各社のマネージメント、人事部、参加者からは「このようなイベントは大変貴重で来年もぜひ参加したい」と 非常に好評でした。
Global Youth Interaction Program "CiFT Japan" held in collaboration with four companies
Bosch has been keen to foster young workers. Today we would like to introduce you to "CiFT Japan (Competition of inter-company Free Thinking)", one of the international programs intended for young workers from Bosch as well as other companies. In the program, they study and give presentations as a group while communicating with those from outside their own companies. "CiFT Japan" was just launched last year, but it is well-received and already popular.
In "CiFT Japan" program, the participants pick one common topic regarding management strategy and make some groups to work in collaboration with those from other companies. Each group then give their presentations with constructive opinions on the topic.
The program includes one-month group research, 2-days workshops, and presentation along with a question and answer period, followed by feedbacks from judges who work as an executive at the participant companies. Although it is quite tough for the participants who attend this program while working, they can learn the viewpoint of management, create a broader range of personal connections both internally and externally. For the companies, it is beneficial to gain opinions from young workers
In 2015, a total of 27 participants from various global companies including Nissan, Jatco, Bosch JMPs (JP & Global) attended the CiFT Japan program, and GE Japan also joined this year.
The topic this year was 'Gender Diversity Management'. For the Kick-off event held in Shibuya office on 15th of July, a lecturer from the NPO Fathering Japan was invited to give a talk on the current & future of diversity management. Then, the participants from various background (company, nationality, function, etc.) were divided into 5 groups and started researching for the individual case-study regarding hot diversity topics.
After a month of preparation, they finally arrived at the workshops. During the first two days of the workshops, each team had intense discussions with limited time to come up with creative solutions. On the final day, each team gave a 20min. presentation judged by various executives.
There were tensions in the air with sharp questions from the executives and the 3 hours went by very quickly. Each of them gave insights from personal experience regarding diversity issues afterwards, and inspired the audience. Since each team gave outstanding presentations, Dr. Wolz during the award ceremony told everyone, "It was such a difficult task choosing a winner from all the excellent group works ". The event was a huge success and the executives, HR and participants from each company gave feedbacks, saying "These events are such rare opportunities with great value and we would love to join again next year"