Q1:現在の仕事を教えてください。What is your main task?
My primary responsibility is to analyze and report the performance of all Bosch businesses in Japan; mainly reporting to top-management of Bosch Japan, Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH responsible for Asia Pacific region.
Q2:JMPを知ったきっかけはなんですか?How did you know about JMP?
To be honest, I had no idea about Bosch at all... while I was searching for a new professional opportunity three years ago, I coincidentally found the job posting on the web. I was looking for a chance to work for a globally operating company who still maintains a significant "manufacturing" function in Japan. I was also aiming at participating in rotational opportunities, which offer a broad range of job responsibilities. That was JMP @ Bosch for me.
Q3:プログラム期間中に携わったアサインメントを教えてください。Please share your assignments during the program
その他にも財務・経理・事業管理分野とは別に、外注費用値下げ交渉、自動車メーカーからの品質認証の取得活動(例:Ford Q1)、またサプライヤー選定の為の工場監査などにも携わりました。
My program was designed to focus in Controlling, Finance, and Accounting areas; i.e. cost/profitability analysis, business planning, building a new financial analysis technique/approach, the preparation for Transfer Price audit by National Tax agency, etc. Not only the focus-area related, but also very new challenges I engaged in; price negotiation activity with external service provider, the acquisition activity for Ford Q1 certificate, factory audit to select a potential supplier, etc.
Q4:プログラム期間中で一番印象に残ったことは何ですか? What are your main lessons learned?
I drastically improved my "self-introduction" technique since I worked in 10 different divisions/functions! Bosch associates are very open-minded and supportive, which I strongly consider as one of the Bosch strong culture.
For more details about JMP: