前回こちら(https://goo.gl/aG91Hf)でお知らせさせていただいたとおり、 7/11(土)に開催された日経ウーマノミクス・プロジェクト「女子学生のためのキャリアセミナー」に出展してきました!
この様子は、日経ウーマノミクスプロジェクトFacebook(https://goo.gl/TQMLXm)でも紹介されていて、また日経新聞夕刊 丸の内キャリア塾内で紹介される予定です。
Hello, this is Bosch Human Resource Marketing Group!
Bosch Japan took part in the "Career Seminar for Female Students" which took place on 11.July in frame of the Nikkei Womanomics project!
At the first session, the associate editor of pages about women on Nikkei Shimbun (Newspaper) held a speech about diverse of fields in which women can participate and succeed and at the second session, a panel discussion with four female panelists from different companies and in different ages took place. They shared their experiences at job hunting, why they chose their employees, balance of family and professional life and what they want to achieve in the future. From Bosch Japan, a female associate with engineering background took part in the discussion as a panelist and shared her experiences working as an engineer and working in an international company. When she was at job hunting, she searched for a company in which she could realize a good work-life balance and decided to join Bosch.
At the end of the event, there was a small social gathering meeting with all participants and the panelists were surrounded by students who had questions to them.
Bosch is a company which offers possibility to balance work and home life! Please check the following page for further information!