先日、ボッシュでダイバーシティ(多様性)への理解・参画を促進するためのイベントの1つとして、「男性の育児参加について」をテーマに講演会を開催しました。お話しいただいたのは、(株) 東レ研究所ダイバーシティ&ワークライフバランス推進部 上席シニアコンサルタント / NPO法 人ファザーリング・ジャパン理事 塚越学さんと(株) ミライフ代表取締役 / NPO法人ファザーリング・ジャパンメンバー 佐藤雄佑さんのお二人です。
Diversity is our advantage:
The other day, "Bosch Diversity Day" was held aroud the world. In Japan, we had various events in several locations.
One of our highlight was a special lecture by the guest speakers, Mr. Tsukagoshi from Toray Corporate Business Research, INC. / NPO Fathering Japan and Mr.Sato from Miraif, INC / NPO Fathering Japan.
The theme of the lecture was "Man's participation in child caring –Diverse and strong organization in the work-style reform age.-"
They explained the generational differences in values and its background, why fathers should take childcare leave, why promotion of diversity is important for companies and what kind of support is needed for fathers and mothers.
The participants listened to the lecture intensively and some of them asked questions and mentioned their opinions lively.