There has a been an increase in the number of male associates at Bosch who are going home early or taking childcare leave out of a desire to participate in raising their children on weekdays not only weekends.
As we introduced in the previous post (goo.gl/49LBJE) we hold a seminar featuring a lecture on "Man's participation in child caring". Right after the lecture, a panel discussion was held between male associates at Bosch who had taken childcare leave themselves, or who had team members who had done so.
The associates shared many frank opinions and questions such as "When I go to the park there are only moms there, so I feel a bit awkward," "How did your wife react when you took part in childcare?" Participants of different generations, ages, and genders had a lively discussion and everyone made new discoveries. Our executives also enjoyed listening to everyone sharing their experiences.
Many associates felt inspired to start participating more in childcare. It was a very worthwhile event!