先日、社内女性従業員ネットワーキングチーム woman@bosch Japanが主催でイベントを行いました。目的は「自分のトリセツ(取扱説明書)」をつくること。仕事にプライベートに忙しいと、ついつい後回しにしがちになってしまう自分のことを、時間をとって考える機会として企画されました。
Recently, women@bosch Japan (in-house women's associate networking team) held an event. The aim of the event was to create a "Personal User Manual."
When we get busy at work and in our private lives, we can tend to put our own needs off. The event was planned as an opportunity to take time to reflect.
Before the workshop, there was a session by an occupational health nurses for learning about changes in women's life stages and physical and mental states. Participants learned useful information about illnesses that affect women and hints for early detection.
After that, Ms.Yabe from empublic Ltd. gave a workshop. "What are you seeking to gain in your life (career) right now?" "What is the ideal team for you?" By sharing the answers to such questions in groups and conversing with others participants discovered and reaffirmed themselves, creating their own "Personal User Manuals."
Feedback from participants included comments that the workshop was an excellent opportunity to re-examine themselves and that they appreciated being able to bring their children and still participate comfortably. Also, the event was a great opportunity to to become acquainted with other associates working at different offices!