2012年4月入社 渡邊 南
電動工具部門 マーケティング部
Bosch power tools sector sells power tools and gardening tools at specialty shops and home centers. When I had a chance to visit stores with our sales team during training, I learned that choosing the right advertising medium and most appropriate promotion for our customer base are the top priority. At specialty shops that usually have more rooms than home centers, a banner or display is useful, while showing an advertising film on monitor is practical at home centers. Other than advertising materials, the right product range and display are important. I am a marketing associate now, but sometimes participate at shows where I can communicate directly with customers so we can understand what type of products and services our customers demand. Researching the market makes me realize how dynamically everything moves, and the marketing team has to anticipate a lot of business needs to stay one step ahead of the market and the competition. The experience of training with the sales team definitely motivated me to work to surpass our competitors, which I believe that is an essential for company and keeps us to move up to the next stage.