ボッシュ・ジャパンがこの夏企画した海外インターンシッププログラム「Global Internship @Bosch」(goo.gl/V5iEZN)。参加した学生さんたちより、2つ目のライブレポートが届きました!
今回は、「今、学んでいることが実際に将来役立つのか?」「『学ぶ』と『働く』のつながり」について、Global Internship @Boschでの経験を通して参加学生2人が感じたことを、ご紹介します。
We received reports from two of the students who participated in the "Global Internship @Bosch" which Bosch Japan arranged to take place in Vietnam this summer.
Following the experiences the two made during the internship, they share their thoughts with us on these two questions: "Will what I am studying now really help me for my future career? How does the Global Internship help me to connect learning with working?"
K: In my life I've had to learn lots of things and input lots of knowledge. This internship changed my definition of learning. Work is done by learning things. Learning happens through the experiences gained from working. I believe that it is this cycle by which tasks are successfully accomplished.
R: Knowing how to use your technical expertise to achieve your goals is crucial for a successful career. Be that as it may, I feel I still have a long way to go until I can fully apply my knowledge to my practical work. My experience at the Global Internship taught me, however, that there is no such thing as "useless processes."
Hearing such inspirational impressions from the participating students is also valuable feedback for the persons in charge of Bosch's global internship.
We hope that, upon graduating from university, they can take the experience gained at the internship and put it to use to contribute to their company and society, and to make a difference in the world!