その後、渋谷本社1階にあるcafé 1886 at Boschで懇親会を開催。ボッシュ株式会社の社長メーダーをはじめ副社長の森川や事業部長、先輩社員も参加し、食事を楽しみながらクイズ形式でボッシュや役員をご紹介したり、親睦を深めました。
Welcome to Bosch Group in Japan!
On October 2nd, an orientation event for the incoming prospective employees was celebrated at the Bosch Corporation Japan headquarters in Shibuya. This year’s request to our new graduates was to “take part wearing anything but suits!” This theme made for a relaxed and casual atmosphere with visibly relieved new faces.
An annual workshop was conducted during the ceremony, this year discussing the question of how prospective employees envision their optimal welcome ceremony to Bosch Japan. The guests were able to spend a joyful evening, coming up with a kart tournament and a cooking battle among other creative ideas.
Towards the evening, a friendly get-together took place at the unique café 1886 at Bosch, where our guests enjoyed German inspired cuisine along with refreshing drinks.
With the President, Vice President and Senior Executive Manager present alongside other Bosch associates, our prospective employees used the opportunity to get to know each other as well as the Bosch staff in a relaxed environment.
For all the new employees who are full of energy, we are looking forward to see you all in April next year at the latest!