今日は、第一回ボッシュ・ダイバーシティー・デーでした。世界中で一斉開催されるなか、ボッシュ・ジャパンでは、ダイバーシティを尊重していくための様々 な取り組みを紹介するパンフレットを配布したり(写真下)、マネージメントのメッセージを紹介するビデオ上映やポスターを掲示したり(写真上・中央と右) しました。
In believe that Diversity in all its facets enriches our life and leads to greater success for our business, Bosch has launched the "Diversity campaign" and conducted many activities which promote corporate culture to respect diversity worldwide. We have focused on four topics of diversity: Gender, Generations, Internationalities and Culture.
It is not only a top-down campaign, but also bottom-up: we made full use of ideas from associates to put the theories into practice in our daily work.
Today, we had the 1st international diversity day in whole Bosch locations which underlines the value and importance of diversity.
At Bosch Japan, we communicated about the diversity campaign through posters (photo up right and middle), video message from management and brochures (photo down) introducing activities of associates' working groups to enable the diversity at work.
In our canteens in each location, meals from several different countries (photo left middle) and "diversity"-cookies (photo left up) have been served so that we can enjoy the diversity in the food.