安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣令夫人、ゴールドマンサックス マネージング・ディレクターのキャシー・松井さん、山野学苑校長の山野愛子ジェーンさんと共に、ボッシュ副社長の森川も登壇しました。
Today, a special symposium "To realize a society where women shine" took place in Yamano-gakuen hall. This event was organized by Ms. Agnes Chan, Ms. Akie Abe, wife of prime minister, Ms. Kathy Matsui, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, Ms. Jane Aiko Yamano, Executive Director of the Yamano Gakuen, and Ms. Noriko Morikawa, Executive Vice President of Bosch Japan took part in this event. At the panel discussion, they gave us several nice messages like "Believe in yourself!", "Don't limit your potential!", "Take a step forward without being afraid!". Young audience were listening attentively these messages.
Ms. Morikawa told about activities to promote diversity of Bosch Japan and shared experiences.
Bosch is aiming to promote diversity in our company which offers nice environment to work for people with different backgrounds and in different life stages.