式では、人事部門長、各事業部・グループ会社代表から、自身の経験を、これから残りの学生生活をどう過ごしてほしいかなどについて、内定者の方々にメッ セージを送りました。初めは少し緊張した面持ちで真剣に耳を傾けていた内定者の方々も登壇者のジョークに場がなごみ、次第に笑顔を見せるようになりまし た。その後の懇親会では副社長の森川も参加し、内定者の方々は社員に実際の業務や海外赴任について聞いたり、また一方では内定者同士の懇親を深めたりして過ごし、会が終る頃には皆さんすっかり打ち解けた様子でした。
Yesterday, an orientation event for prospective employees of Bosch Japan took place at Shibuya office. They will start working at Bosch from April 2015.
At the event, heads of personnel department, several divisions and a group company send them encouraging message and advices, for example, how they could get the best out of the time remaining until they'll start working at Bosch.
At first, the young prospective employees looked a little bit nervous, but after some jokes by the speakers, they started to look relaxed with smiling faces.
At the get-together meeting at the end of the event, participants have frankly asked about daily work, opportunity for working abroad and so on.
We are looking forward to having them as members of Bosch group soon!