今回の企業訪問のキーワードは、「日本におけるグローバル企業 x 法律の知識を生かせる仕事」とのこと。准教授のお父様がボッシュのドイツ本社で勤務していたご縁もあり、数ある企業の中からボッシュ・ジャパンを選んでいただきました。
学生さんは初の企業訪問ということもあり、始めは少し緊張気味でしたので、 まずは、1Fの café 1886 at Bosch (http://www.bosch-cafe.jp/) にてボッシュこだわりのドリンクを楽しんでいただきながら、 ショールームで最新の製品を見ながら、企業文化に触れていただくところからスタートしました。
その後は、場所を15Fの会議室に変え、会社概要の説明、企業法務の業務内容紹介、さらには法務部若手社員とのQ&Aセッションを行いました。 学生さんから、たくさんの質問を頂戴し、とても楽しく充実した時間になりました。
Hello, this is Bosch Japan HR marketing group!
On 13.Nov, we received a group of 12 university students studying law at Chuo University in the 1st grade.
They came to our company to gain image how they could utilize their knowledge of law at a company afterwards when they will start working.
The key topic of this visit was "global company in Japan & work you can utilize your knowledge about law". Father of their associate professor worked at Bosch in Germany by chance, and that's why they chose Bosch for their visit among many global companies.
After a drink at our relaxing café 1886 at Bosch (http://www.bosch-cafe.jp/en/) on the ground floor, they got some explanation about Bosch and work of our legal department.
At the Q&A session with our young associate at the legal department, students actively asked questions.
After this visit, a student commented that this visit helped them to have clear image how they could utilize their knowledge they gain at the uni. Another participant commented that it became a good opportunity to think about working globally and realized how important it is to improve English ability.
We hope that we could motivate them for further development and provide some ideas for their future planning!