世界有数の包装機械メーカーであるボッシュ パッケージングテクノロジーでは、千葉県船橋市と埼玉県滑川町に工場があります。それらの工場で最近、ドイツ人のインターン生が自発的に、ドイツ語を学びたい従業員のために、ドイツ語レッスンをスタートしました。普段は従業員と一緒に、通常の業務をこなしている彼らですが、工場の国際化に一役かっています。
At Bosch Packaging Technology in Japan, German interns have voluntarily started German language lessons at its plants in Funabashi, Chiba-prefecture and in Namekawa-cho, Saitama-prefecture recently. In the beginning of December, the participants of the class celebrated an intercultural Japanese-German Christmas party. They learned how to order the dishes in German language and enjoyed a typical German food specialties like different types of "Schnitzel" and sausages in a German restaurant and.
The aim of Bosch is an open-minded culture that values each and every employee with his differences and strengths and supports in an optimal way.
Bosch appreciates and encourages diversity for the enrichment it brings and promotes cultural exchange through our international staff deployments, internships and global network.
#BoschDiversityVision #Internationality
If you are interested in having an internship at Bosch Japan, please check the current vacancy at the below website!