クリスマスマーケットにはたくさんの小物や食べ物を売る店が出店します。日本のお祭りのときに出る屋台に似ているのですが、より作りが頑丈で一つ一つのお 店が小屋のようです。小屋の屋根の上のデコレーションも凝っていますね!また、移動式のメリーゴーランドや観覧車も登場します。写真のものは、さすが自動 車の街シュトゥットガルトだけあって、乗り物のメリーゴーランドですね!鉄道模型と一緒にジオラマの中をミニ機関車に乗って走れるコーナーもありました。
Do you know about "Christmas market" in Europe? It's called Weihnachtsmarkt in German and you see these markets in many towns and cities in Germany in the Christmas season. The Christmas markets brighten up the dark, cold season in Europe. Also in Stuttgart, where the Bosch head office locates, there is a Christmas market which is very large and has more than 300 years of history. Here are some impressions from Stuttgart.
The decoration on the roof tops of the booths are impressive. As you see on the photo, Merry-go-round in this automobile city is of course the mobility version. Glühwein is the hot wine with some spices which makes you happy while you are enjoying the Christmas atmosphere and freezing at the same time. If you have opportunity to visit Germany during the Christmas season from end of Nov until Christmas, please enjoy the Christmas Market!