現在、ドイツで開催されている「フランクフルト国際モーターショー」(http://www.iaa.de/en) に参加するためフランクフルトに出張しているボッシュ社員が、おもしろいものを発見しました。
My neighbor Germany: we introduce you about Germany, home country of Bosch! A Bosch Japan associate who is having a business trip to Frankfurt to visit the international motor show IAA (http://www.iaa.de/en) found something very interesting at the Römerberg, the historic heart of Frankfurt. This place is now filled with lots of colorful "Ampelmann" statues! The Ampelmann is a symbol shown on pedestrian signals in the former East Germany and still popular all over the world.
This year, Germany cerebrates the 25th year reunion of east and west Germany and many kinds of art projects are taking place. One of those projects is this at the Römerberg: 2.500 Ampelmann in height of 38 cm in green, red, yellow and black. When this exhibition will come to the end on 27th September, the number of the Ampelmann will be less, because you can buy it with 50 Euro, and 10 Euro out of this price will be donated to social contribution activity.