会社の設立後すぐに、ボッシュの特許製品を製造するための工場を埼玉県比企郡松山町(現東松山市)に着工し、翌年1940年には現在の東松山工場が出来上 がりました。写真下は1940年4月、操業前のヂーゼル機器(株)松山工場の本館事務棟です。そして写真上は現在のボッシュ東松山工場本館。なんと74年 間、建て替えられることなく、同じ建物が使われています。
Today of 75 years ago, a company was established to launch the first production of Bosch licensed fuel injection pump in Japan.
Before the domestic production was realized in Japan, the price of a single Bosch fuel injection pump in Japan was as high as 24 times of starting salary of a civil servant at that time.
It was very essential for modernization of Japanese automobile industry to realize domestic production of the fuel injection pump. It was carried out as a part of state policy, but the Bosch product was outstanding from quality, durability and functionality point of view, so it was decided for a technical tie-up with Bosch.
Short after the foundation of the company, they started to build the plant, present Higashi-Matsuyama Plant, for the production of the fuel injection pump in Japan and it was completed in 1940. The first photo shows the plant in 1940 (down) and nowadays (up): we still use the same building since 74 years!
Second photo: Reproduction of the first fuel injection pump for diesel engines (B-pump) manufactured in Japan (1941) which is displayed in the lobby of Shibuya office, Bosch Japan.
For further story how the Japanese engineers realized the fuel injection pump made in Japan, please see the link: