その前年の夏、ロバート・ボッシュは開発技術者のゴットロープ・ホーノルト(写真)に依頼して、故障しやすいブレークスパークロッドの代わりに、スパーク プラグを採用したマグネトー式高圧点火装置を開発。特許を取得し、これが1902年9月にはお客様に供給されたのです。
In 1901, Gottlob Honold, a colleague of Robert Bosch, developed the high-voltage magneto ignition system, based on what was known as electric arc ignition. By means of two coils on the armature, it generated a high-voltage current. This was conducted to a spark plug via a simple cable connection. The high-voltage current jumped the gap between its electrodes in the form of a spark. In January 1902, the patent for this innovation was applied, and on September 24, Bosch delivered the first high-voltage magnetos to a customer, Daimler Motorenwerke.
Magneto-electric ignition systems for cars belong to the past, but the spark plug is still a part of ignition systems for cars today – igniting the gasoline-air-mixture in the engine.
Bosch spark plugs helped to achieve a breakthrough in the automotive industry. For 112 years, Bosch spark plugs have played an essential role in the development of high-performance, economical and environmentally-friendly engines. Today, virtually all vehicle manufacturers put their trust in Bosch spark plugs in their original equipment. Boat engines, jet skis, garden and forestry equipment, stationary gas engines, water pumps and emergency generators also use Bosch spark plugs. In the last 112 years, Bosch has developed over 20,000 different types of spark plug and produced over 11 billion spark plugs in total.