土曜日は残念ながらあいにくの雨天でしたが、 日曜には天候が回復し、少し汗ばむくらいの秋晴れのもと、世界や全国から集まった約8万人の参加者が早朝から元気にウォーキングを楽しんでいました。
"The 37th Japan Three-Days March" took place in Higashi-Matsuyama city from 1st to 3rd November 2014/ Bosch Japan supports this walking event since long years. About 80.000 participants enjoyed walking from early in the morning in Higashi-Matsuyama.
The Matsuyama 1st elementary school which was the starting/goal point was full of booths of several prefectures and commercial and industrial associations. On a stage there, we could see several performances by local school kids and groups. The nice smell from these booths attracted the participants. At the Bosch booth, we gave some towels and eco-bags to the people who donated for local social welfare.
Bosch associates, retired former Bosch associates and their families, about 200 people joined the parade on the last day as the Bosch team and walked from the Bosch Higashi-Matsuyama plant to the goal through the streets with a big Bosch banner while receiving applause of local people.
We would like to express our great appreciation to every participants and supporters! We are looking forward to having further cooperation with Higashi-Matsuyama city!