先日12月4日、聖ニコラウス(ドイツのサンタクロース)に扮した社長のヘミング率いるサンタチームは、今年もボッシュ・ジャパンが震災以降継続的に支援をしている東松島市の3か所の保育所を訪れました。(準備の様子はこちらをご覧ください: http://goo.gl/7HrgA7)
いただいた手作りのレイは、現在渋谷本社1Fのクリスマスツリーに飾っています smile絵文字
Visit in Higashi-matsushima – happy to see your smiling faces this year again!
Hello, this is social contribution activity office. Here's a report of a small heartwarming event in this cold season.
Bosch Japan conducted the fourth company's annual charity event "Saint Nikolaus (German Santa Claus) is coming to town!" in Higashi-matsushima, on 4th December 2014 as part of the company's ongoing relief activities in the city since the Eastern Japan Earthquake. Bosch has been hosting "St. Nikolaus Day" event – a festival involving Saint Nikolaus bringing gifts to children who have been good all year traditionally celebrated on 6 December in Europe - since 2011 for children at three day-care centers in the city occupying container housing units donated by Bosch Japan. Every year, we are looking forward to seeing the children's smiles recovering from the disaster.
President and Representative Director of Bosch Corporation, Mr.Hemming, dressed up as St. Nikolaus and his 3 associates dressed as a servant, an angel and a snow woman visited day-care centers there to hand out German wooden toys and cards to children who have waited for the return of St. Nikolaus who promised to come back.
After the children called "Santa-san!!!", they jumped in front of the children. The children asked several questions to the St. Nikolaus: for example, "What do you like to ride?" - "I like sleighs with a reindeer, but car is also my favorite!", "Which fruit do you like most?" – "I like apples, it is very healthy! ", "What kind of woman do you like?" – "…??!!"
Afterwards, everybody sang the "Jingle Bells" song together.
St. Nikolaus handed over every presents to the children and they were all happy saying "I will show it off to my Mom!!" (The presents were prepared by associates voluntarily: http://goo.gl/7HrgA7)
The children gave us presents of a song and paper leis made by the children. (The leis are decorated at the Christmas tree in the entrance hall of the Bosch Japan Shibuya office.)
We are grateful for all supports from the Higashi-matsushima town hall and teachers of the day care centers.