その技術の一つ、自動車用の横滑り防止装置ESC(エレクトロニック スタビリティ コントロール)は横滑りによる事故の最大80%を防ぐことができます。ボッシュはそのESCをすでに1億個以上製造し、皆さまの安全のお役に立ってきました!
乗用車用ドライビング セーフティ システム全般に関する詳細
Smart technologies for safer roads: the best protection against crashes is to prevent them. For more than 30 years, Bosch experts have been studying traffic and developing safety systems that significantly help reduce the number of crashes. #DidUKnow that one of them, the Electronic Stability Program (ESP), could help reduce skidding accidents by up to 80 percent? Bosch has already produced more than 100 million of them. Watch our video to see how Swedish kids have a safe bus ride on their way to school – thanks to the groundbreaking Bosch innovation: http://bit.ly/RGw19X